All4dredging is a newly created Dutch/Lithuanian company. Don’t let the word “new” deceive you. The people who created All4dredging have a long time experience in the repair industry in dredging, offshore, merchant shipping and even in heavy lift.
During our jobs on various dredgers we really felt that there were specific services still missing in the maritime industry. For this reason we wanted to specialize more into the repairs of dredging and offshore vessels. At first this was only a commonly shared dream but we took the step and brought the idea to life and All4dredging was established.
Although dredging repairs are our core business, we are also very compassionate about ships and shipping industry. For this reason, it should not be a surprise that we are also very familiar and capable for all other ship’s needs.
All4dredging is your point of contact for all ship related repairs. With us you will be assisted by a team that has experience on all levels of the repairs. Not only by our flying service teams but also from our own workshop in Klaipeda, Lithuania we can be of assistance.
From pre-inspection to preparation of repair offers, from project management to execution and maintenance and overhaul. Our experience lays in the fields of dry-dockings, repair-yards, vessel management and workshop processes.
All these qualities combined are making All4dredging a highly flexible team with a hands on mentality and a no-nonsense attitude. We are always looking for bigger challenges. With us you can be assured that we know all the aspects and processes of repairs, from offer to a successful completion of a project. All4dredging gives you a huge advantage in your upcoming repairs and can assist you from A to Z so you can focus on your next project or voyage!
The hardest work begins in dry-dock.
All kind of on-site machining works.
We have the knowledge to perform inhouse estimation, prepare offers, review and/or adjust repair specifications and to prepare complete repair planning.
Our key approach is that we like to discuss the planning up front with all parties involved before the works commence. This to ensure an optimal planning and minimize delays for everyone involved.
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